Wolf Minerals

2185 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Frontera Resources is quite simply bust, it is that simple

First things first. If you want free booze, canapes, a chance to see me rip Dominic Frisby apart on blockchain and bitcoin and to hear presentations from and quiz Falanx (FLX) and Premaitha (NIPT) then book a seat for 16 October in central London HERE. In the podcast I look at the madness of Corbyn once more in relation to the Natural rate of Unemployment in a non broken economy. I add to my earlier comments on troughery at Frontera (FRR) HERE by showing it is bankrupt. I cover Concepta (CPT), Fishing Republic (FISH), the Widecells (WDC) scandal and Wolf Minerals (WLFE).


2244 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: David Lenigas needs to sort out his story on twitter - was he a UKOG placing insider or not?

First of all thanks for all the kind comments on the Woodlarks walk. The final photos and my final thoughts are HERE. It is not too late to donate HERE and that is what David Lenigas should do now as he gets his twitter knickers in a twist over his pre-placing tweets on UK Oil & Gas (UKOG). He now says on twitter he was an insider -in the US that would be a perp walk admission. The shameless old ramper is now batting for Angus Energy (ANGS). Elsewhere I cover Optibiotix (OPTI) and the odd Midas call, Wolf Minerals (WLFE), N4 Pharma (N4P), Arden Partners (ARDN) and Goldplat (GDP). Back to Woodlarks: next year I seek volunteers to join the 4 rogue bloggers. I now have 4 (PR genius Steffi, daughter Olaf, my pal the Euro loon Jonathan Price and Steve Moore), if you are up for it email [email protected]


2909 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Moron investors in the Cloudtag fraud feel on top of the world

I start with the woes of Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank. Then on to why dogs leave it to the last minute to report results. As such I look at Strat Aero (AERO), Vislink (VLK), IGAS (IGAS), and Wolf Minerals (WLFE). I touch on Inspirit (INSP) as it runs out of cash and is - I gather  - not paying suppliers. I then look at the two frauds: Highlands Natural Resources (HNR) and Cloudtag (CTAG) where the morons are as happy today as the Quindell (QPP)  Morons where when those shares hit 650p. How the morons laughed at the silly old bears as they told us that £20 was on the cards. But of course those backing the Cloudtag fraud insist that it will be different this time. 


3844 days ago

Wolf Minerals – The World’s Number One Mining analyst Vindicated

Yesterday I pointed out how Wolf Minerals (WLFE) the AIM Cesspit and ASX listed wannabbee miner had engaged in typical pump and place activities which will inevitably see some PIs (the folks paying 26p two weeks ago) screwed as institutions get in on a placing at sub 20p.

Actually we do not know what the placing price will be yet, Wolf has not got around to letting us know. Perhaps its board is too busy enjoying spending the A$1.2m they trouser collectively each year. You can read about the pump and place HERE.

While we mere mortals were fooled by this operation I should flag up that the World’s Number One Mining Analyst Roger Bade of Whitman Howard was not legged over. Writing after an operational update on 20th January the great man opined: 
